Time Warp of the Future BBS

Welcome, Guest.

League 10 Application

Your BBS Name :
BBS Software :   
What OS :             
Real Name :         
Sysop Handle :    
BBS E-Mail Address :  
E-Mail Address (other) :  

Instant Messenger ID

Jabber :
Trillian Astra Name :
FaceBook IM :
Skype :

City :
State / Province :
Country :
Telnet Address :
Telnet Port Number (if other then 23) :
BBS phone number if one :
Local Time Zone :
QWK or FTN :
Your BBS QWK id (needed - for qwk or ftn) :
FTN : BinkP Mailer (BinkP, Argus, IREX, Radius, Taurus, etc.) :
Mailer Port Number (if other then 24554) :
Nodelist Flags :
Connection Type :
Speed :
ftn \ areafix \ packet password to use :
Do you have a Fido-Net node number (yes \ no) :
If so what is it :
Re-Joining League 10 y\n :
    If Re-Joining what was your node number (note : put in old node number, new node number are being sent out) :

+If you plan on useing QWK file transfers for League 10, please sign onto
Time Warp of the Future BBS (this bbs on the telnet side) a new user
application useing your BBS QWK ID name as the user name. Select "YES"
when promped "Use the account for QWK transfers?".
This will become your QWK account name.

What IBBS game(s) would you like to join? :

    Clans Village Name
8-Way Slots
Mega Slots
Zombie Slots
Barren Realms Elite
Tournment FreeCell
Falcon's Eye
The Arcadian Legends
Arrowbridge 1
Arrowbridge ][
Black Jack
Tournment BlackJack
Tournment WaHoo
Jewel Thief
Lady Luck
Booby Trap
Knight's Move
Flip Flop
Poker Bandit
Video Bandit

Other Games and and

Please select you hub:

Time Warp of the Future (Main Hub - qwk / ftn / BinkP)
League 10 and other nets here

Phoenix BBS (Secondary Hub - ftn)

Raiders Inc. BBS (Secondary Hub - ftn)

Region 15 BBS (Secondary Hub - ftn)

Other (please specify

If you want one hub to be messages and another hub to be game packs
Message Hub    
Game Pack Hub

Messages by QWK & Game packs by FTN on the same hub
Messages by FTN & Game packs by QWK on the same hub
Messages & Game pack on the same hub by QWK
Messages & Game packs on the same hub by FTN

If you wish to use a different hub, it must receive ALL League 10 games and echos to qualify

If you must drop from the league for whatever reason, please put a message in the "League 10 SysOp" echo.
If you do not have access to this message base, please send a e-mail directly to lord.time@time.synchro.net with
a subject of league10

In the event your BBS becomes inactive (due to computer or ISP problems),
please let the LC and/or your hub know ASAP.