Time Warp of the Future BBS

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Here is the Dates & Times this BBS goes down - If longer then 15 mins

Every 14 or so days after the main windows update, the window server is updated and the vm's are backup

Date Down Time Down Date Up Back Up Reason
12/24/08 3:24 pm 12/26/08 8:57 pm Power went off - at the power line level
12/4/17 12:00 pm? 12/18/17 7:00 pm? bbs computer died (h-d / motherboard was ok) had to move to a new home (under a VM) that was setup for it
1/31/18 11:45 am 1/31/18 2:02 pm computer upgreads (had a small problem after I re-booted the computer)
2/18/18 about 11 am 2/19/18 5:00 pm? had computer software problems
5/?/18 ? 9/12/18 ? had some VM problems on the win. 10 computer and move it over to a server computer that can take it & more
10/?/18 no idea 10/17/18 around 6:30 pm had power strip problems
11/15/18 11:20 am 11/15/18 6:11 pm changing the house network around (from one system of ip to another type of ip)
12/11/18 6:00 pm 12/11/18 11:52 pm power outage & windows updates
1/17/19 1:30 pm 1/17/19 around 6:00 pm backup VM's & window server updates
2/26/19 4:41 pm 2/26/19 5:06 pm power outage
3/7/19 12:40 pm 3/7/19 4:55 pm window server updates & a two VM needed some updates (didn't know about) & backup VM's
4/24/19 12:00 pm 4/24/19 2:42 pm sbbs update & window server update & backup VM's
6/16/19 12:06 pm 6/16/19 7:20 pm windows updates plus backup vm & some work on the vm settings and a new backup
7/22/19 5:00 am 7/26/19 12:00 pm DSL Modem - the port died on the isp side and got put on a new port
7/29/19 5:00 pm 7/30/19 10:33 am DSL Modem - the port died on the isp side and got put on a new port again :(
8/15/19 4:13 pm 8/16/19 11:00 am DSL Modem - the port died on the isp side and got put on a new port
9/17/19 around 11:15 am 9/17/19 1:30 am windows update (without my ok & I wasn't here)
10/7/19 4:23 pm 10/14/19 11:00 am TDS tech think it was gum up (his words) look like I'll have to wait 5 mins - turn off dsl and wait 5 mins before turning it back on
10/19/19 6:30 pm 10/19/19 8:57 pm window server update & backup VM's
10/28/19 around 12:56 pm 10/28/19 6:44 pm power went out and the server computer right now has no backup battery the old one died (a new one has been ordered)
11/1/19 12:00 pm 11/1/19 12:30 pm put in the new backup battery on the server computer
11/7/19 1:23 pm 11/7/19 2:27 pm put in 2 SSD Hard Drive in the server computer, to get ready to move this bbs over to one of them
11/14/19 12:05 am 11/14/19 11:08 am phone and interent both went down about the same time, found out that it was this area that went down, this am, when phones were working again
1/10/20 6:50 pm 1/10/20 9:25 pm put in windows 7 updated and making a backup of the vm and putting in win. server updated in and re-booting
1/19/20 3:41 pm 1/19/20 7:00 pm VM move (from one h-d to another h-d (ssd) on the server computer)
2/23/20 7:00 pm 2/23/20 8:10 pm put in updated and server ones and made a change in the window server bios computer
4/30/20 12:30 pm 4/3020 2:42 pm put in sbbs updated - had a small problem - not sbbs but mine & took off to get the mail a few other things
5/6/20 about 7:37 am 5/6/20 9:04 am my 24 port hub had problems
6/23/20 7:24 pm 6/23/20 7:35 pm no idea, both phone lines down and no net access
6/29/20 1:25 pm 6/29/20 3:35 pm windows server updates and check a few things out and dusted it
9/9/20 6:59 pm 9/16/20 5:16 pm I had to leave - fire danger (turn off server computer and took it with me)
9/21/20 11:26 am 9/21/20 about 2 pm backup this bbs and putting in sbbs 3.18b
12/15/20 1:00 pm 12/15/20 3:38 pm windown server updates and adding hardware
12/21/20 12:18 am 12/21/20 9:17 am my 24 port hub had problems - had to turn it off and bring it back up
1/13/21 12:50 am 1/13/21 12:02 am power went out on the power lines (had a bad wind storm last night)
2/7/21 8:40 am 2/7/21 11:52 am power went out at the pud level
2/26/21 1:05 pm 2/26/21 5:10 pm putting in windows update on bbs / windows server and putting more memory in server (not done)
5/26/21 3:09 pm 5/26/21 7:30 pm putting in windows server updates
7/30/21 12:30 pm 7/30/21 3:16 pm putting in windows update on bbs / windows server
10/11/21 about 5:30 pm 10/11/21 10:40 pm Internet went down at the ISP level & phone - more like phone lines went down
12/10/21 about 12:30 am 12/10/21 3:41 am Internet went down at the ISP level & phone
1/31/22 3:25 pm 1/31/22 5:28 pm adding some hardware to the server (didn't finsh / and change the cables on the outside of the server)
3/30/22 12:22 am 3/30/22 1:14 am Internet went down at the ISP level & phone
5/5/22 11:22 am 5/12/22 3:30 pm window server updates
6/18/22 9:58 am 6/18/22 about 6:00 pm no internet / land line phone
8/7/22 12:03 pm 8/7/22 12:33 pm some wire works (breaker box level)
10/3/22 10:50 am 10/3/22 6:36 pm power went off (a truck hit the power poles / lines)
11/17/22 1:04 pm 11/17/22 1:17 pm power went off (not sure why at this point)
12/22/22 12:43 pm 12/22/22 2:25 pm power went off (not sure why at this point)
12/22/22 10:15 pm 12/23/22 2:25 pm power went off (not sure why at this point - other then weather)
12/27/22 11:19 am 12/27/22 6:18 pm power went off (not sure why at this point - other then weather)
1/4/23 8:17 pm 1/5/23 1:27 am power went off (not sure why at this point - other then weather)
2/23/23 10:10 pm 2/24/23 12:03 pm no internet / land line phone
4/15/23 11:40 pm 4/16/23 about 1:45 pm no internet / land line phone
5/19/23 1:02 pm 5/19/23 2:12 pm no internet / land line phone
10/23/23 12:26 pm 10/23/23 1:00 pm Updateing the bbs (widows update & virsus)
11/1/23 8:55 pm 11/2/23 12:18 pm running chksmb on bbs message areas
12/15/23 around 8 am 12/15/23 around 1 pm no internet / land line phone
1/13/24 9:13 am 1/13/24 10:44 am power went off
1/13/24 11:15 am 1/14/24 6:45 pm power went off
6/23/24 8:40 am 6/23/24 10:15 am power went off

All Times Pacific

Last UpDate 6/23/24